Roles are customizable labels that can be created and attached to certain users of your community to determine what actions they are allowed to carry out in your chatrooms, and what content they are allowed to see. Roles are useful in helping manage your members and control their access to your community.
Creating a role
To create a new role, first, navigate to the role page in your community settings.
Click on the '+' button and a new role will be automatically created. Name your role, select your role color, and review the role's permissions before clicking 'Save Changes'.
Role permissions
Role permissions are what enable you to control what your users can, and cannot do within your community. Roles come with an extensive list of role permissions, allowing you to customize various allowed actions, such as preventing specific roles from attaching files while allowing other roles administrative privileges.
General Community Permissions
General Community Permissions allow you to configure what actions members who possess this role will be allowed to do on your server. The following is a list of all general community permissions and the permissions they give to members.
- Allow Direct Messages (DM): Allows members to send direct messages to other users within the community
- Create Invite: Allows members to create invite links that can be used to invite users into your community.
- Kick Members: This allows members to kick other members from your community. Kicked members are still able to rejoin through invite links.
- Broadcast Messages: Allow members to broadcast their messages to all communities at once
- Ban Members: Allows members to ban other members from your community. Bans are permanent and can only be removed by Community Owners or Admins.
- Community Administrators: Enabling this turns on administrative permissions for this role. Community administrators have an authority second only to sever owners themselves. They're able to fully access and modify community settings, with only a few exceptions (e.g. deleting the community, banning the server owner, etc.)
General Channel Permissions
General Community Permissions allow you to configure what actions members who possess this role will be allowed to do in your channels. Do note that permissions configured in the channels themselves are given priority over these individual role channel permissions. The following is a list of all general channel permissions and the permissions they give to members.
- View Message History: Allow members to view past conversations that happened in the community before their time of entry.
- Manage Messages: Allows members to delete other member's messages
- Allow mentions: Allows for other members to mention this role. (e.g. It would be helpful to let members @ your support team, but perhaps not your administrative team.)
- Post Messages: Allow members to post messages in the various chatrooms.
- Attach Files: Allows members to send files, such as images or documents, in the various chatrooms.
Assigning roles
Once your roles have been created, you can begin assigning them to your server members. To assign roles, head to the user list page in your community settings!
From there you can view an extensive list of your server's members. To assign a role, first, locate the member of choice! You can use the search function to help you do this. Once you've found your member of choice, click the '+' icon under the 'Roles' column. Roles not yet assigned are represented by a '+' icon. Choose the role you'd like to assign them and you're done!
Removing roles.
To remove roles click the '+' icon under the 'Roles' column. Choose the role you'd like to remove from the selected member. Roles already assigned and can be removed are represented by an 'x' icon. Click on the role you'd like to remove and you're done!