User Management

Your community's heart and soul are its members! With Genesiv, you gain access to a wealth of information about your community members, spanning from their names and roles to their join dates. But our service extends beyond just viewing data. We understand the importance of analytics and reporting, which is why we've made this critical data easily downloadable in CSV format. This allows for seamless integration with external apps, opening up channels for effective and personalized communication with your members.

To view a comprehensive list of your users, head to the user list page in your community settings.

Here, you'll be able to view the following information for each member.

  • Display Name: The display name followed by the @username of each member.
  • First Name: The First name members provide at registration.
  • Last Name: The Last name members provide at registration.
  • Join Date: The specific date when a member first joined your community.
  • Last Online: The most recent date and time a member was active in your community.
  • Email: The email address provided by a member during registration, used for account-related notifications and communication.
  • Roles: View current held roles of each member. Add or Delete roles here.
  • Adjust XP Unit: View the current amount of earned XP for each member. Edit earned XP amount here.

When you see a row of asterisks in place of a member's First Name, Last Name, or Email, it indicates that the user has opted to keep that specific information private and not share it with you.

If you'd like to make certain fields of information mandatory for users to share, you can do that by configuring your joining requirements.

Removing Users

As a community owner, you have full control over who you want to be in your community. Sometimes, certain members may just not be a right fit for your community, and when you've exhausted all avenues of managing misconduct, removing them from your community might be your only option.

To do so, locate the member in your user list, click on the ellipsis, and select 'remove user'.

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